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HPPA is an association of members whose aim is to foster the relationship between plan members, the Trustee and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

HPPA was formed after extensive research into the relationship between the HP pension plan members, the Company and the Trustees revealed that the development of better communications could yield positive benefits to all concerned. In particular it was recognised that encouraging pension plan members to take a much greater interest in the performance of the company, could result in the company responding by taking a much greater interest in them – and seeing them as assets in the business arena.


Letter to Paul Early
Rise up and Roar

Day of Action
20th September 2023

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We received over 720 responses to our survey. You can read all about it by clicking the link below.

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HPPA Day of Action
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The Day of Action has been set for Wednesday 20th September. We would be grateful for any donations to help with the organisation and to provide refreshments afterwards.

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HPPA Aims To:

Bring benefits to HPPA Members.

Such benefits will include preferential purchase arrangements  for products and services from varied suppliers.

Have HPPA Members seen as assets

Both by HP and the communities with which pension plan members interact. To this end the Association will encourage and support the volunteering activities of members and facilitate making such efforts a beneficiary of the rewards available through the HP Volunteering and Reward Programs.

Build a strong and productive relationship with Pension Trustees and HP.

The Association anticipates being a voice of Members in interaction with the Trustees and HP. We will also aim to be of assistance both to Trustees and Pension Arrangement Members in Member/Trustee relations.


HPPA is funded by voluntary donations from its members. If you would like to donate please click here.  Please note – if you are paying by cheque then please make the cheque payable to ‘Hewlett Packard Pension Association’ and not HPPA as it says on the donations page.

Day of Action Resources

What When Where

September 20th is the day and Winnersh is the place. Click on the image for more information.

Donate to the Cause

All money donated is used in our fight to improve the plight of Ex-DEC Pensioners.

Recent News Items

Members Update April 2024

Hello everyone,  Well, those of us who have received their letters from HPE will be disappointed,  but probably not surprised to find that there will

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Letter to Patricia Russo

The following letter was sent to Patricia Russo, Chair of the Board of Directors of HPE. Please note that the links within the letter won’t

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Update – January 2024

HPPA Update January 2024: Well, some months have gone by since the terrific turnout for the Day of Action outside HPE’s HQ where we handed

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Day of Action

Here are the Images of the Day of Action. See the Meridian/ITV News item From Fraser Bridgeford From Fraser Bridgeford View from Inside

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